ED 470 * Ecole Doctorale
* Chimie de Paris Sud *

Formation : Summer School "Soft interactions in Biological and Biomimetic self-assemblies"

vendredi 14 février 2014.

Summer School Soft- Inter2014

"Soft interactions in Biological and Biomimetic self-assemblies"

will be held in Saint-Malo (September 7-13)

Co-organized by the CNRS (école thématique du CNRS ) and COST "Bio-Inspired Nanotechnologies", this summer school is open to PhD student.

The main objective of the “Soft-Inter2014” school is to present a state of the art on self-assemblies and of their related concepts together with their characterization in the three disciplines, i.e. physics, chemistry and biology, in order to generate debates and communications in between scientific communities. An extremely didactic approach will be requested to the speakers, all of them being scientists involved in cross-disciplinary research of very high level. In addition, each two-hours course will be coupled to a brainstorming workshop hosted by the lecturer and a moderator of another discipline that will help in stimulating discussion. These discussions will compare the different views on the weak interactions, and help to identify purely semantic discrepancies on this adisciplinary concept.

More information on the web site.

Registration online.

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